sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

The sweet taste of sin

Saturday 9 am.henrytanas with a laid-back attitude, look calm, tv, in an unexpected way, hear the voice of his sister who calls indecipherable ...henrytanas, I want to hear your opinion on how I look.
God forgive me, I thought, that question is too naive for a predator like me, eager to eat meat tender.you look fabulous, but within my thought, these deliciously exciting, like an ice cream in the hands of a child.was naive, or clever, or wanted to tempt the devil, perhaps subconscious had the same desires to fornicate behind his angelic good husband.henrytanas while consciously wanted to devour the prey.without fear inflicted by authoritarian church conviction you can not control your desires.fresh and happy and I hope no eagerness aware the day that it falls to me saying, can not stand the temptation, I want to be yours

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